CONSULTATION for Heart & Diabetes related inquiries

Payam e Sehat Foundation

Free Clinic for Heart & Diabetes



Heart diseases and Diabetes consultations are given by qualified doctors. It is comprehensive, detailed and manages all aspects of patients care in that particular disease.


Foot care is an essential part of diabetes education. Patients with diabetes, must know how to take care of their feet. How to manage corns, calluses, etc.

Qualified podiatrists, take care of patients’ feet.

Main motto of this effort is prevention of foot complication. Every diabetic patient is scanned for foot complication. If any adversity is found, then it is taken care of, like corn, callus, and in-growing toe nail or fungus infection.

If the feet are safe and sound, then they are given practical lesson, to keep the feet clean and moisturized.

Examination for neuropathy is routinely carried out, to begin treatment at the earliest. Peripheral pulses are checked by ankle-brachial index test. Referral to vascular surgeons, made if needed.


Nutrition & Diet counselling

Obesity, diabetes, hypertension and ischemic heart disease, are better managed, if salt, sugar and fats are taken in specified amounts.

Dietary habits and acquired tastes need to be modified. Individualized sessions are given to the patients. Nutrition is to be optimized with reduced calories containing foods.

Cooking methods are taught by a qualified nutritionist.


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